
Linux Commands Training Quick Tips - less than & More Linux commands for display files - Red Hat

Linux commands more and less

Both commands can be used in text files, the contents of a file as a. Linux scripts and system files and configuration server are examples of text files.

Linux Commands Training Tips: Linux text file only contains text (letters, numbers and other characters on the keyboard) and do not contain any formatting such as left and right edge, bold or underlined.
The Linux moreExample of command

Run the following command, for example, the contents of inittab configuration file in the etc directory, which is under the / (root) directory.

$ More / etc / inittab

This is the first "page" or "front" of the file.

Now press the space bar to the next "screen".

Now press the up arrow key, then press the down arrow and see that these buttons do not work!

Press q to exit the command of Linux.

L 'Linux command example less

The Linux command is all that is more - and better - this is when less is more!

(A little '(very little) humor Linux programmer;).

Run the following command for example less undermined and displays the contents of inittab configuration file again:

Press the up arrow once, press the Home key, press the Delete key four times to remove "more" and insert "less" (no quotes). The commandshould appear as below. Press Enter. Cool.

Less then $ / etc / inittab

This is the first "page" or "front" of the file.

Now press the space bar to the next "screen".

Then press the down arrow a couple of times and the up arrow.

Press and then press the Page Down button a few times and then the high side.

Press the End key at the end of the text file to Linux and then go home to go to the top.

Finding text in a file when you use the Linux command less

Need quick way to search for text in a text file? No problem.

You can easily search for text by pressing the slash (/) and enter the text you need to find.

Press the Home button to return to the beginning of the file and go to the following: is highlighted / runlevels and all occurrences of this text.

For the next occurrence of text you are looking for, give users the letters N and emergence above, type the letter S. Go Easy!

Press q to quitThe command less.

This "Linux Command Quick Training Tips" shows the use of more or less commands, that commands GNU / Linux. And these commands are set, the "heart" of the command in all Linux distributions.

This "Linux Commands Training - Quick Tips" work in Ubuntu, Red Hat, SUSE, openSUSE, Debian, Slackware, Fedora - and all other Linux distributions.

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