
Running Linux Commands for Linux System Administration on a system that does not have a desktop

When you start a Windows desktop that automatically starts and displays the desktop always - as on Linux, you can not see a desktop at all!

You can walk to work and do homework, such as software and, within them - After starting Windows, you are working in the "point-and-click" GUI (Graphical User Interface) desktop environment.

Desktop Linux and non-desktop system

If you are working on a Linux server> System, Desktop, one can not be installed on the system.

Linux server systems do not always need a desktop, so the software can not be installed.

A Linux (and Windows) Desktop requires additional memory and requires no additional processing. This "overhead" is required to run the point-and-click GUI desktop environment "on" Top of the OS.

On this Linux server systems (ie not through a desktop), just boot to a black screen and it ispresented with white text and a "basic text" login prompt - which simply says -


At this very simple command, type a user name and press Enter password and press enter to login system for.

Execute Linux commands such as system on a Linux server

If you login to Linux desktop does not have one, you are "filing a" terminal and you see the command linePromptly.

Once logged in, you can immediately begin executing commands to do the work of system administration, user creation, copying data and program files and assign permissions to users and groups.

Also, some types of Linux servers with a "desktop" point-and-click install, and many are not. This depends on the server.

If a desktop is not necessary for the execution of a server is not installed when the operating systeminstalled.

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