
Red Hat Training and Certification

While Microsoft continues to dominate the desktop Linux has a huge user base for the economy as a server operating system - Almost all of the world's most important websites on Linux a few. Run Google, Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, just to name a . There is therefore no surprise that there is an increasing demand for professionals with knowledge of Linux, the command can support up to 30% higher wages than their Microsoft counterparts.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is the most popular Linux distributionIt has medium and large enterprises, and his own training and certification developed to ensure Red high professional standards.

There are three levels of certification provided by Red Hat - RHCT (Red Hat Certified Technician), RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer) and RHCA (Red Hat Certified Architect).

RHCT is the level of certification for entry level junior system administrator to search for Linux systems. Topics include packetManagement, network configuration, file management and system troubleshooting basic system.

RHCE is a respected qualification that a good level of knowledge about using and troubleshooting Red Hat Enterprise show. Topics include advanced package management, system services, configuration of the kernel, network configuration, advanced account management, web services, e-mail services, virtualization, and NFS troubleshooting.

RHCA is verydifficult to achieve qualification, currently the world, instead of less than 1,000 people. RHCA to qualify, you have to go a total of six tests - the test RCHE, Red Hat Enterprise Security: Network Services, RedHat distribution enerprise, virtualization and managing Red Hat Directory Services and Authentication, Red Hat Enterprise Clustering and Storage Management and Red Hat Enterprise System Monitoring and performance tuning expertise. Who can get the qualification RHCAExpect that there are in high demand and command a substantial salary.

For the reader, Linux RHCT is a good goal for the goal. RHCT is a good "foot in the door" for aspiring job, trying to impress employers and employees gain their first Linux system administration.

For those who operate an entire network, the RHCE certification should be sought. The RHCE course provides a good level of knowledge, so much sowith more challenges on the day of administration to throw them. The RHCE Exam demonstrates a high level of knowledge and is a title of respect.

RHCA certification can be pursued only by the hope of forging a career as a Linux consultant and / or trouble shooter. Together they represent the studies from which the certification is more than 30 hours of test time - not to mention the preparation time needed to say. As such, certification is only for the RHCAMost people dedicated and hardworking.

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